Friday, 30 January 2009

Robe - Australia Day weekend

Here's a little vid from out last weekend, Robe rocks!

Not a lot of wind for the whole weekend, but a great group of people, some generous gifts (prizes) from our local shops (Onboard and Glascraft), all in all a great weekend.

Robe Australia Day Long weekend from Dave Lane on Vimeo.


Andy said...

Man that looks like a fun sesh! I LOVE schlog sessions like that, super fun stuff!

That reminds me a lot of our spot on Ocracoke or at Isabel's in a moderate NE breeze. Your getting me stoked up for our summer, now!

Andy said...

err, ummm "you're" if the grammar police are reading...

Lano said...

Our summer has just turned bad, since last weekend starting on Tuesday the temperature has not been below 42 degrees everyday (5 days straight) :(

We are heading down south to get some relief.....

George Markopoulos said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but 42 celcius equates to 111 farenheit!
Good grief!

George Markopoulos said...

Andy, yeah man. I'd give anything for one of those southside slog sesh's right now
Its freezing here

fswp said...

idd, here it is to cold to surf :(

Anonymous said...

love the water coler.