Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, 15 December 2008
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
South Australian Social Windsurfers Family Day
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Kym hits the reef!
Crew heading out
Dean Ryles showing us all how its done....fark he is a good sailor!
The view from Seaford back towards Southport / Noarlunga, breath taking coast line.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
More pics from Milang weekend
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
ONBOARD - Milang Demo Day
Pete had rigged up all of his nice new Neil Pryde sails, Flys's, Firefly's, V8's and Alpha's as well as supplied some sweet new JP Supersross' and X-cite rides. About 40 sailors made the trek as well as 20 odd kiters (which made for a tight often slightly dangerous launch area) - But knowone died!
Heres a video I put together of the weekend, I will post up some pics later. And yes, appologies for the sound track, Foo Fighters again, but I wasnt feeling too creative when editing the footage). If anyone can give me some tips with editing Sony Hi Def footage, it would be muchly appreciated :)
Monday, 27 October 2008
Sunday, 26 October 2008
A fun Day at Goolwa Lake

I put on a 'Lano Gybe Clinic' today! Today was definitley a day where things started to click into place! Even nailed a few tacks as well. I really feel that I am progressing quickly with my sailing now, this summer is shaping up to be a great one for sailing!
Local photographer Susie Burgher was out at Days St on Saturday just before the wind dissappeared, heres a sample of her work, new lense doing the trick!
Timmy smacks another lip, he is ripping it up at the moment!
Love this photo! Looks so fast!
Dean Ryles out the back on his twinser
and again!
Middleton Bay, South Australia, not a bad place to be at all!
Friday, 17 October 2008
SA BBQ and Sailing club
We are treating it pretty casual at this stage, ie rock up, have a snag on bread, go for a sail and have a few beers and talk shit all afternoon. Sounds like what we always do, so why not start up a club, so we can all sail together?
Keep an eye on this link
Friday, 10 October 2008

These same bon bons and the dolls were on sale at 90% off a few months back, now they are back at 'christmas prices' again.......where will it end?
....which is probably what Trevor is thinking, as we gave him a trim yesterday, he was not impressed. Sorry Trev, it was bloody hard not to laugh, you will be better off in summer though dude!
From this.......
To this.....
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Just as I woke him up, nearly falls off his perch,
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
C2B 2008

As I had done absolutley no training, I opted for the short version, 6kms, form Kurralta Park Centro to Glenelg. I was feeling pretty confident I could make the distance, as 6kms is not too far to run. I am not sure about my preparation for this though, the night before I had a steak and two beers, but I made up for it at breakfast by having a banana (?), I also had a sail on Saturday afternoon, which was pretty exhausting. The reach was only about 200 metres long, due to the wind direction in the Goolwa chanel, so lots of gybe and tacking training, quite tiring.
My time for the 6kms was 31.49, which was what I was hoping for, last year I did the 12km version in 1.02.38 or something like that, so I was on par with my last years pace.
Well done to all of the other Tiser runners, most of them posting PB's for the day.
29,000 people ran in this years fun run, so bloody good effort to all that made it out........
Friday, 19 September 2008
Media Club Bowling night

Agency Team, now you can see why I was happy to join another team, black and white are not my colours!
Resident Ranga Ryan, went as a contestant in Australian Idol, needless to say, he was mobbed by fans! After he took off his Idol T shirt he resembled a bus driver, weird!
Amy O, Lano and Jodie. Be happy Jodie, you cant win everything
Tiser FC - Great work team,
Scotty and Lano share a few tips (what is it with those gloves Scotty?)
No idea what Jodie is doing here?
Son shapes up for another strike!
Another great night, always a fun time on these bowling nights. We were a bit miffed with the lack of a 'best dressed' prize this year. KWP! (an advertising agency) went as a full bridal party and stayed in character the whole night, brilliant, even to the extent of sending a thankyou note to Jodie V on behalf of the bride and groom.
Now lets go windsurfing, should have some better material tomorrow, looks like its gonna blow.